Free Sewing Classes | Create With Fabric8 | Improve Your Skills (2024)

Learn how to sew:

On Create With Fabric8 you can learn:

  1. Beginners sewing tutorials
  2. Free patterns
  3. Live question and answer with an expert
  4. Demonstrations
  5. Sewing tips and tricks
  6. Sewing advice

Beginners sewing tutorials

Basic sewing lessons for beginners

Sewing for beginners

Sewing is a great skill for anyone to learn. It does not take too long for a newbie to become a professional. When you are consistent in sewing, you can learn with ease.

Sewing is a great skill for your mind, cognitive abilities, focus, relaxation, and so much more! Plus, you get to create anything your heart desires in the comfort of your own home.

To get basic sewing lessons for beginners, tune into Create With Fabric8. We live stream our sewing classes to all social media platforms for you to watch in real-time. Every Tuesday at 7pm. Join us for free sewing tutorials for beginners.

What do you need to learn how to sew

You’ll need the following to learn how to sew:

  1. A good sewing class
  2. Your own sewing machine
  3. Various sewing supplies
  4. Your sewing machine manual
  5. Consistent practice
  6. Safety sewing equipment like thimbles
  7. A sewing community to keep you motivated
  8. A project you enjoy
  9. A good sewing workspace
  10. Sewing tutorial videos
1. A good sewing class

Every beginner needs a good sewing class. Here are some qualities of a good beginner sewing class:

  • It should be hosted consistently
  • The class should encourage interaction
  • Live demonstrations
  • Question and answer sessions
  • A relaxed environment
  • A qualified expert as a teacher
  • Follow-along work pace
  • Bonus: freebies like sewing patterns (hehe, don’t we all love a good freebie?)

Create With Fabric8 meets all these requirements and more! Tune in every Tuesday at 7 pm and come learn all things sewing. As a massive bonus, Create With Fabric8 free online sewing classes is also absolutely free!

2. Your own sewing machine

Having your own sewing machine is an essential part of sewing. There are various features and qualities that a sewing machine has that hand sewing does not offer. These include:

  • Technologies
  • Upgrades
  • Speed
  • Various built-in patterns
  • Hands-free sewing
  • Multiple needle options
  • Strength
  • Can work with multiple layers
  • Automatic features
  • Built-in LED light
  • LCD touch screen features

Are you looking for some quality beginner sewing machines? Shop our Brother range here.

3. Various sewing supplies

Sewing supplies are an essential part of sewing. You will need multiple items that will help you sew with ease.

Not sure what you’ll need? Here is a list of the sewing essentials you need:

4. Your sewing machine manual

All Brother sewing machines come with instructional manuals. Your manual is essential. It is step-by-step instructions from the manufacturer. Reading your manual is the easiest way to familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of your sewing machine.

Check out these tips on reading a sewing machine manual:

5. Consistent practice

The best way to get good at anything is to do it consistently. With Create With Fabric8 happening consistently every week, you can learn with ease.

Tune in every Tuesday. Same time, the same place. Come master your sewing with us in real-time on live stream!

6. Safety sewing equipment

There are various safety equipment items for sewing. These include:

  • Thimble
  • Ergonomic tools
  • Rotary cutter blade covers
  • Pin cushions

For example, sewing thimbles are specifically created to protect your fingers from being pricked. It is essential to have a few safety equipment items to make your sewing process easier.

7. A sewing community to keep you motivated

Nothing keeps one motivated like learning with other beginners. Join a community of seamstresses and seamsters just like you. You can learn from one another and stay connected.

The best ways to join a sewing community:

8. A project you enjoy

There are an endless amount of things that one can sew. The best way to learn is to pick a project you enjoy. This will keep you more motivated and encouraged.

Here are 50 projects you can choose from to start sewing today:

9. A good sewing workspace

A good sewing workspace is ideal for any seamstresses and seamsters. Whether you have a nice corner in your bedroom, or you have a big sewing room. Personalise your sewing workspace in a way that keeps you motivated and happy.

You can do this by purchasing various organisation supplies on our website. An organised sewing space allows you to stay focused.

10. Sewing tutorial videos

The easiest way to learn is to hear, see, and do. Sewing tutorial videos provide you with all of this!

Watch a professional explain and demonstrate. Then practice on your own. This is the best way to learn as a beginner.

Beginner sewing tutorials on Create With Fabric8

With Create With Fabric8, you get all beginner sewing tutorials. You do not need any skills to join. All you need is an internet connection and a willingness to learn.

Free patterns

What is the meaning of sewing patterns? What are patterns used for in sewing?

Sewing patterns are outlines of apparel projects. They are paper templates. Sewing patterns are instructional guides on how to put pieces of fabric together.

A typical sewing pattern will contain all 4 sides of a project. As well as any other sections needed for your task.

Good sewing pattern documents also contain instructions. These are step-by-step tips on how to complete the project. Patterns also have cut-out layouts. As well as dimensions and the fabric you need to use.

Are sewing patterns necessary?

Sewing patterns are necessary. They help you to:

  1. Accurately trace on fabric
  2. Outline and cut out fabric
  3. Put various fabrics together
  4. Modify projects
  5. Sew specific size ranges
  6. Sew specific shapes
  7. Serves as a guided instruction
1. Accurately trace on fabric

The main purpose of patterns is to help you trace your fabric.

Our top steps on tracing on fabric:

  1. Print out your selected pattern
  2. Accurately cut out your pattern
  3. Place it on your intended fabric
  4. Invest in a quality pattern marker to make your tracing life easier
  5. Use the pattern to trace on your fabric
2. Outline and cut out fabric

Patterns can be used as an alternative to fabric marking. All you need to do is pin your pattern on your fabric. Then cut your fabric along the lines of the pattern. This will give you neat and clean cuts for your project.

3. Put various fabrics together

Most patterns have a numbering system on them. They also include every piece you need to sew together to create a final craft.

4. Modify projects

Patterns can also be used to modify your current apparel. Whether you want to make it a smaller size. Or you want to change it into a completely new item. You can use patterns to assist you.

5. Sew specific size ranges

In the apparel and textile industry, sizes always vary. Patterns give detailed information on the size and dimension of the pieces.

6. Sew specific shapes

You can sew absolutely any shape when you have the correct pattern at hand. From long straight straps to curved cubes.

7. Serves as a guided instruction

Fabric8 pattern documents contain step-by-step instructions. This ensures you do not miss a single step when creating your perfect craft.

What is the best sewing patterns for beginners?

The best sewing patterns for beginners

The best sewing patterns for beginners are usually clothing patterns. For beginners, these patterns should come with instructions.

There should also be a cut-out guide on the patterns. Patterns that come with a numbering system are also ideal for beginners.

Another quality of a good sewing pattern for beginners is the details they provide. Beginners should use patterns that specify exactly which fabric should be used. As well as which dimensions are needed.

What are the easiest patterns to sew?

Some of the easiest patterns to sew include:

  • Small bags
  • Basic t-shirts
  • Straight-lined projects
  • Standard pillowcases
  • A small scarf
  • Basic wristbands

The easiest patterns to sew would be patterns that contain a lot of straight lines. This is why our sewing expert suggests starting with something like pillows. It is advisable to try these easy patterns first. Then, when you master it, you can move over to more complex tasks!

Free patterns with Create With Fabric8

Where can I get a free sewing pattern? Where can I get good sewing patterns for free?

There are a lot of free patterns available on the internet when you are just starting sewing. You don’t need to spend loads of money getting started.

Later on, when you are good and know what you want to make, it’s more worth it to spend money on patterns. For now, get started with some of the easy free patterns from Fabric8. We use beginner-friendly patterns on our live streamed sewing tutorials, Create With Fabric8.

These patterns are simple and clear. They also include video tutorials and written instructions to make it as easy as possible for a beginner just starting.

You can get free patterns with Fabric8. Start your journey with a wide range of our documents and patterns. The patterns are hand-picked by our expert, with love, for you.

How do I download sewing patterns? Tips on downloading sewing patterns

Here is how to download our sewing patterns:

  1. Click on this link:
  2. Select which item you are interested in
  3. Make sure your device has a pdf reader program
  4. Click the download button or “⬇” button on the top right corner
  5. Rename, place in a folder, and store on your device
  6. Click save

It is advisable to print your patterns and save them in a file so that you can easily refer to them later on. Or you can create a folder on the computer. Keep your patterns organised from the start to avoid future chaos.

Download free patterns for various projects and start creating beautiful crafts for free.

Live Q&A with an expert

What is a Q&A?

What do you do in a Q&A?

A Q&A is known as a “question and answer”. It is a session where you ask a question. An expert then gives you a detailed answer. It is a question and answers session. It is dedicated to knowledge, understanding, and learning.

What is the benefits of a Q&A session?

Benefits of question and answer session

Here are the main benefits of a question and answer session with a sewing expert:

  • You get all your questions answered
  • You receive an expert’s knowledge for free
  • Detailed explanation
  • Demonstrations are possible
  • Interaction with the expert
  • It is a form of sewing tutorials
  • You receive step-by-step instructions
  • It clears up any confusion and misconceptions
  • You get to hear other viewer’s questions

A question and answer session is the best way to learn everything you need to know. It is a lot more hands-on than any other form of learning. Questions can be answered during these sessions that even a textbook can’t tell you for sure.

What makes Fabric8 question and answer sessions even better is that they are live. This means they occur in real-time online. You don’t need to wait days to have your questions answered. You also don’t have to hope your question gets picked out of hundreds of submitted questions.

All questions are answered on Create With Fabric8. Our in-house sewing expert will explain what you need to know. Our question and answer sessions are for everyone, at every sewing level! Our sewing expert has over 30 years of hands-on sewing experience, so whatever the problem, she has probably come across it (more than once!), or she will research it and get back to you with an answer on the off chance that you found an obscure problem she hasn’t encountered yet!

12 Simple Ways to Get The Most Out of Your Q&A Session

There are our top tips on getting the most out of our question and answer sessions with Create With Fabric8:

  1. Have a notebook on hand
  2. Pay attention to other viewer’s questions
  3. Don’t be shy
  4. Ask until you understand
  5. Ask our expert before you Google
  6. Join the entire session, your question might be answered before you ask it
  7. Type your questions clearly in the chat happening in real-time on the live stream
  8. Leave long questions till the end of the session
  9. Ask quick questions as soon as you get lost
  10. Write down your answers
  11. Check the chat for similar questions
  12. Don’t hesitate to ask about last week

Live Q&A with an expert on Create With Fabric8

Open Q&A session

How do I use a sewing machine? Which needle do I need? How do I make a swimsuit coverup? Is this the correct pattern?

Have all your questions answered by a sewing expert, for free! Our expert will answer all your how’s, why’s, when’s, and where’s!


How do you teach beginners to sew? How should a beginner learn tailoring?

A beginner can easily learn how to sew through sewing demonstrations. Real-time demonstrations are step-by-step instructions. They are “follow along” sessions with an expert.

Watching a demonstration is the easiest way to learn how to tailor and sew. Demonstrations can include the following:

  • Watching an expert do it
  • Following along with an expert
  • Receiving guided instructions
  • Learning tips and tricks
  • Demonstrations of sewing equipment
  • Practicing repetitively until you master it

Sewing demonstrations. Sewing machine demonstration.

Demonstrations with Create With Fabric8

Watching sewing demonstrations and sewing machine demonstrations are the easiest ways to learn. It is important to have someone show you how to use a needle correctly. This will prevent you from pricking yourself.

Sewing machine demonstrations are also important. Sewing machines can be difficult for beginners. This is why you need someone to show you how all the knobs, buttons, and features work. This can even help you to select the best sewing machine for yourself.

For an hour, you get to watch a sewing expert show you exactly how to do a sewing project. This is why live streams are the best. Be part of the experience as if you are in the room with her!

Sewing tips and tricks
How do I get better at sewing fast? What are the basic tips in sewing?

The best way to get better at sewing is to learn some sewing tips and tricks. Sewing does not have to be complicated. Various hacks can make the process so much easier for you.

Some sewing hacks can make your sewing so much easier. Did you know keeping your scraps of fabric is a good sewing hack? You can, later on, use this to add decorative finishes to other projects.

Another hack is to get an extension table for your sewing machine. Now you don’t need to struggle with a small workspace on your sewing machine.

Want to know some more hacks? In Create With Fabric8, you can learn sewing tips and hacks including:

  • Sewing tips and tricks for beginners
  • Sewing machine tips and tricks
  • Tips for sewing by hand
  • Sewing machine tips and tricks for beginners
  • Sewing tips for beginners with pdf patterns
  • Sewing advice

Sewing advice on Create With Fabric8

On Create With Fabric8 you can learn 30 years’ worth of sewing tips and tricks. Just by the click of our live links, you can access the amazing world of sewing and become a pro yourself!

Get first-hand advice from a professional. Learn how to use various sewing tools and equipment to create beautiful crafts.

Frequently asked questions

Learn sewing online

Can you learn to sew online?

Yes. You can learn to sew online with Fabric8. Lay down in the comfort of your bed, watch our videos and try them later. Or sit by your desk and sew along with us.

Sewing 101: Youtube

Sewing tutorials for beginners Youtube

What if we told you, you can sew from Youtube tutorials? Have a look at our Youtube page where you can find various sewing videos!

From sewing tutorials, product reviews, question and answer sessions, and expert advice. Join our Youtube sewing community for beginner sewing tutorials every Tuesday at 7pm.

Nothing feels better than being able to DIY your projects. That’s why our sewing expert at Fabric8 will DIY with you!

With step-by-step instructions, patterns, advice, and so much more. Create With Fabric8 provides the ultimate tutorials.

Sewing class fees

How much is a sewing course in South Africa?

Affordable sewing classes near me. Free sewing classes near me.

Sewing classes can range anything from R100 per class up to R5000 per month, and possibly even more. You can pay a lot of money for basic beginner sessions. Plus you also need to pay for transportation. Usually, classes also make you pay for books, patterns, and instruction manuals!

However, with Fabric8 you can get 30 years’ worth of experience for free! Join in on Create With Fabric8. Our instruction manuals, patterns, and information are all free! All you need to do is click on one of our live stream links and join every Tuesday.

How can I learn sewing for free?

Learn sewing for free with Fabric8. All you need to do is tune in on any of our social media platforms. Every Tuesday at 7pm. Join a large community of aspiring seamstresses, seamsters, and curious beginners.

Come and ask us anything you want to know about sewing. Learn about new creative projects, Understand various sewing tools and equipment. Receive free patterns and documents. Get sewing advice from a sewing expert. All for free!

If you can’t make the live stream, then simply download the patterns and follow the instructions. Or find our recorded tutorials on Youtube at anytime.

Sewing classes near me for beginners. Sewing 101 classes near me.

You can find in-person classes. However, they are usually more expensive. You also need to cover transportation costs. In-person classes are time-limited. Very often you also need to pay for the extras-including textbooks, manuals, patterns, and more.

Learning on the internet is a great solution to this. You can access the videos any time. You can read over the instructions as many times as you want. Online classes allow you to replay a video whenever you become stuck.

Learn how to sew from a South African sewing expert. Amanda is the owner of and your teacher during Create With Fabric8 free sewing classes!

Free Sewing Classes | Create With Fabric8 | Improve Your Skills (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.